Forgiveness defines as a pardon of transgressions, behavior that causes injury upon our fellow citizen such as injurious deception, extortion, all types of abuse and trauma, adultery, murder, or thievery. Universal law requires certain actions and conditions to experience a pardon. Karma dictates a response from the action. An action of virtue or of injury—a person will receive in return what they deserve. The populace prefers the avoidance of understanding that actions are subjected to karma.
The mentality prefers the stimulated automatic appeal for a pardon of an injurious action that is motivated by a belief of imperfection. Consequently, justification of the ego prevails over the scrutiny of individual personal action. Within eastern scriptures, the Dhammapada, Bhagavad Gita, and the Tao Te Ching focus directly to attaining a higher level of consciousness. Because of this path, the context of forgiveness is absent. Within the Hebrew and Greek scriptures the teaching of forgiveness is on an immense level, but clearly prerequisite conditions are mandatory.
Moses, the Prophets, Jesus, and the Apostles, taught the context of forgiveness. Moses continually interceded for the Israelites so forgiveness would be granted because of their wayward behavior. The pardon occurred multiple occasions through Moses; however, the Divine Spirit will not leave the guilty unpunished defining as karma. Written in the book of Numbers, Moses taught that the Divine did forgive the Israelites even after they saw the miracles with their very own eyes, although castigated them by not allowing the group to see the promise land. The group of the Israelites was pardoned upon the faith of Moses; however, personal karma still appended to each individual according to personal behavior.
The stories of King David and King Saul are excellent examples of how transgressions are pardoned. David committed murder, adultery, and took a census of Israel—forgiveness was granted and David remained as King; although, David experienced karmic bonds that produced grief and sorrow throughout the rest of his life. David was humble, generous, responsible, faithful, and forgave his companions. In contrast, King Saul was not forgiven for his arrogance, selfishness, jealousy, irresponsibility, and impatience. Interesting enough, King Saul avoided Idolatry, and worshiping other gods. King Saul experienced an evil spirit because the Divine Spirit departed, and karmic bonds attached to Saul’s behavior. Two different examples of David and Saul that teach the context of forgiveness and karmic bonds.
King Manasseh of the kingdom of Judah teaches a required quality to be pardoned is humility. King Manasseh committed the worse transgressions of all the Kings of Judah. He sacrificed his children to the Canaanite gods, and pursed idolatry that plunged the two-tribe kingdom of Judah beyond pardon. Because of Manasseh, Judah was destroyed by the Babylonians, despite the reforms of King Josiah. During Assyrian captivity, Manasseh humbled himself and prayed, because of humility, Manasseh was granted forgiveness, and the kingship restored in Jerusalem.
Heartfelt forgiveness concerning our fellow citizen is a prerequisite to be granted Divine forgiveness. The heart can store resentment and bitterness that create a grudge. A grudge produces: spite, malice, envy, covetous, jealousy—emotions stored the heart that prevents Divine forgiveness. Humility is an indispensable quality. A person must cultivate, and display humility, to be granted with Divine forgiveness.
Humility—transcendence of the ego—will motivate a person to avoid inner corrupting emotions that prevents inner heartfelt forgiveness. The ego that produces arrogance that is opposed to humility—the ego deludes reality. The ego prevents a heart to admit mistakes, thus, voids out a pardon. Karmic bonds will dictate the person’s life. The context of forgiveness must be contemplated to understand the simplicity of the scriptures that religion teach. Consequently, Christianity teaches a form of a justification disguised as forgiveness.
Taking in Knowledge is the crucial to being grated with wisdom. The world is under the domination of the wicked ones that the lower entities have control of the religions in the earth. The world religions teach falsehood, ear-tickling dogma that allows justification. For a person who is striving for the ultimate goal, understanding the context of forgiveness is pivotal. Cultivating the qualities of King David is paramount to be granted a Divine pardon. Nevertheless, karmic bonds are attached to human behavior—good or bad.
Scriptural References:
- Numbers 17:20-23
- 2 Chronicles 33:1-20
- Exodus 34:9
- Matthew 6:14-15
- Matthew 18:23-35