The Corruption of the Truth!
After the Era of Jesus, the apostles battled the darkness by attempting to preserve the truth, yet the formation of Christendom occurred. Once John, the last apostle died; vile wicked men slowly corrupted the congregations of the followers of Jesus and formed a following of Paul’s teachings that manifested as Christendom. The apostles of Jude, James, Peter, Paul, and John that lived at a high level of consciousness warned that the corruption and formation of Christendom will occur after they leave the earth. The truth of the Divine Plan would be buried from humanity after the Apostles departed the earth including the context of the Antichrist.
For certain people have crept in unnoticed who long ago were designated for this condemnation, ungodly people, who pervert the grace of our God into sensuality and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.
These are grumblers, malcontents, following their own sinful desires; they are loud-mouthed boasters, showing favoritism to gain advantage. —Jude
The Accomplishment of the Darkness through Judaism and Christendom.
The accuser—Baal—the original wicked one of the darkness, accomplished the converting of the Israelites into Canaanites, the two entered Babylon and departed as one with their religion of Judaism. After the murder of Jesus, Jerusalem experienced destruction at the hands of the Romans in 70 CE. The accuser and his lower entity cohorts accomplished the deception by organizing Christianity through Constantine the Great at the Consul of Nicaea in 325 CE and forming Christendom. The empire of world religion slowly formed using the foundation of Judaism within the context of modern day religion.
The Execution, The Plan of the Darkness.
The active spirit of the accuser executed his plan of action that will accumulate with his arrival in the flesh that Paul used the idiom—The Man of Lawlessness.
Vile wicked men slowly corrupted the congregations of the followers of Jesus and formed a following of Paul’s teachings that manifested as Christendom
Paul and John taught that the spirit of the Man of Lawlessness (Antichrist) was active in the earth. Miraculous works, such as speaking in a different language (tongues), healing the sick, and feeding the hungry would cease after the time of the Apostles. After the death of the Apostles, any claim of miraculous works is based on lower entity deception, though, personal faith can cause a miracle within a personal occurrence. Christendom and Judaism submerged the truth about the dark messiah that will arrive during the new world order.
The Plan of the Light—The Chosen.
Jesus taught concerning the gathering of his chosen, which the Apostle Paul expounded and taught in detail. The destiny of the children of the light is through suffering in the body, and possibly by the hands of men. Two groups consisting of the “little flock”—the chosen, who will live in the new heavens as Sacred Spirits, and the “other sheep” who will live in the egoless new earth as humans. The destiny of the children of the darkness is a kingdom of fear, shame, contempt, and enslavement. The judgment era of the Man of Lawlessness will decide each person’s destiny; choice is the predominate feature of each individual combined with an inner heart motivation of interest.
Two Thousand Years?
Being granted two thousand years that began with Abraham leaving UR, Jesus, directed in spirit, in preparation for his arrival in the flesh on the earth. The time of the Accuser began at the time of Jesus’ death in preparation for his arrival as the Man of Lawlessness. The Apostles John and Paul taught concerning the active spirit of the Accuser. Each anointed one is granted two thousand years to prepare for their arrival in the flesh. The Accuser uses Christendom to deceive many follower who dwell with a disposition to the light.
The accuser—Baal—the original wicked one of the darkness, accomplished the converting of the Israelites into Canaanites
During the middle ages, history proves that Christendom, Judaism, Islam, and all other religions pursued an iron fisted directive over cultures, tribes, and peoples. Suffering at the hands of egocentric selfish humans that use religion as a justification—the middle ages manifested fear, guilt, control, and enslavement. The phrase, Middle Ages or Medieval, adverts to after the death of Jesus, and between the time the Accuser arrives in the flesh as the Man of Lawlessness.
From the time of Abraham to the death of Jesus, the accusers (lower entities) were active to ensnare the Israelites, however, the Spirit of Divine Source proved active among the prophets, granting power to preform miracles for the purpose of proving the power of the light. The spirit directed power is still active for the purpose of gathering the chosen; although miracles have ceased. The battle between the light and the darkness has intensified; the deception of humans from the knowledge of the truth is the paramount goal of the lower entities. The darkness can only use the emotions of fear, shame, and guilt to ensnare humans into the kingdom of darkness through deception. The deceptive strategy of the lower entities is to retain a low consciousness of the world; these methods will prevent a human from attaining a high level of consciousness to break the human cycle and transform into a Sacred Spirit. The strategic nature of the lower entities and its cohorts on the earth is to control the education of the world, and to mold people from their youth depriving the ability to troubleshoot. The inability to troubleshoot originates from passive, lethargic activity, which is predominant around the world; henceforth, boredom, loneliness, and living joyless are abundant around the world.
The active spirit of the accuser executed his plan of action that will accumulate with his arrival in the flesh that Paul used the idiom—The Man of Lawlessness
The lower entity demons maneuvered Christendom to dominate as an iron fist over humans during the two thousand years since the era of the apostles. The lower entities of the darkness molded each culture around the world as its own entity to control, derive energy, and to maintain a delusion. Each culture possesses its own characteristics of negativity that are surrounded with shame, fear, and guilt. Religion, ruling with its iron fist will justify itself upon the identity of Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Mohammed, and others, although proving false to its power. World religion is the context of formless Idolatry, the whole world is under the domination of the wicked lower entities, including all religions that exist within the world.
During this time into the modern world of technology, every maneuver of manipulation from the leaders of the world and the lower entities will point to the arrival of Baal, the original wicked one—the accuser and slanderer—as the Man of Lawlessness in human form on the earth.
To learn more about the Divine Plan visit The Man of Lawlessness.