Independent Spirituality
Striving for the Positive against the Negative
There are two energies that exist within this third dimensional world — Positive and Negative. If you ascertain the two opposing energies, you are more aware than the person who is ignorant concerning energy. The individual that comprehends the cosmic battle between the darkness that opposes the light is on the path of an enlightened…
Zoroaster The Prophet — The Cosmic Battle
The Persian philosopher and Prophet Zoroaster (also known as Zarathustra) possibly existed around the 5th century BCE, the precise dates are unknown. Zoroaster taught upon a higher level of consciousness; after his death his followers created the religion Zoroastrian that still exists in parts of Iran. The same scenario that occurred with all the eminently…
Taking Responsibility and Surrendering Self-Judgment
We are born into a world within a particular culture of positive and negative energies that affect our inner emotional and outer mental disposition. The disposition of the unconscious mind and inner heart dictates our motivation and inclination toward ourself, other humans, and the overall attitude and perception of reality. Other terminologies of the inner…
Conquering Fear and Experience Grace
Fear dominates humanity around the world. The negative emotion of fear is crippling the world in a state of Paralyzed Will. Other negative emotions that dominate cultures and the individual emotional realities are Guilt and Shame. Fear plays a script on different levels according to the teaching of the culture, parents, and media propaganda. Facing…
Advancing Your Spirituality Through Modalities and Techniques
There is a Universal Truth and Universal Law that exists. If your intention is clear to learn based from a honest a whole-hearted desire, anybody can learn this universal truth. Infinity is limitless, inexhaustible, and everlasting. Infinity is the Divine Source of all creation. Western religions refer to Infinity as “God”, generally, the perception of…
Increasing Spirituality: The Power of a Positive Perception
The path of ignorance is guided by fear and negativity that opposes a Positive Perception. The saying “ignorance is bless” is a deception from the concise reality of the moment. Engulfed within the confines of a ‘comfort zone’ the individual perception of reality may be comforting; however, once the individual strives out of their comfort…