The Practice of Yoga spans a long history from central Asia that is a popular western physical practice for well being and good health. Yoga can accomplish a goal for complete health with a dedicated mind that will affect the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of consciousness. Healthy food consumption will enhance the individuals ability to preform a regular routine of Yoga. Raw Food provides positive reactions to the mind and body.
The Practice of Yoga can be preformed as a Physical activity without the religious dogma of Jnana Yoga of Brahma.
The modern day world is plagued from stagnate inactivity and laziness that creates and stores negativity within the muscles, organs, and the emotional reality. Television and Video games tend to dominate the home atmosphere that generates cravings for fatty carbohydrate foods that cause weight gain. Television produces a particular chemical in the brain that produces a passive indolent mind. Henceforth, the lazy brain generates a lazy body that advances weight gain.
The practice of Yoga can assist in reversing a lifestyle rut of depressive inactivity, a passive mind that struggles to problem-solve, obesity, and will aid in preparing for an emotional purge. Yoga creates a balance between the nervous and endocrine system in a natural way while neuro-chemicals try to establish the same balance. With the practice of Yoga, the immunity of the individual should gradually increase and inner and physical strength dominates over a depressive and passive mind and body. The craving and addictions of the physical must be “tamed” through self-discipline.
The modern day world is plagued from stagnate inactivity and laziness that creates and stores negativity
The ego plays a game of initial enthusiasm to a pessimistic obstruction that correlates with the slothful physical body. The ego is fearful of change; recontextulization of the ego is the only remedy for the ego to accept the new lifestyle change. The ego thrives on playing victim and enjoys a depressive human spirit. Pushing through the phase of lethargy when the body desires to retreat into old patterns is essential to maintain a healthy lifestyle that affects the mind, body, and spirit.
Different Styles of Yoga:
During the Practice of Bikram Yoga, the room is 110*f, and the same poses are preformed every session. Bikram yoga is straight forward and very intense. Every session is one hour of standing poses and a half an hour of sitting poses. The style of yoga can change a person’s life if an individual can create a routine and stick with the process.
Other Popular Styles of Yoga:
There are multiple styles of Yoga a person can seek. Each person should explore some different styles and choose the type of yoga that matches your personality.
Other Activities that can release negative emotional baggage:
Dance—an activity that is powered with movement and expression.
Pilates—strengthens the core.
Changing a passive lifestyle that is coupled with obesity will challenge the individual. A lasting change may require of several years of hard work. Most people nowadays desires a quick fix. Yet, when years of lazy, negative, and passive cultivation are predominant from a young age reshaping a lifestyle may require a gradual process. An expressive assertive lifestyle of physical activity can help independent spiritual growth and can aid in increasing consciousness. A lifestyle of Organic Raw Food will stimulate weight loss.
Can the Practice of Yoga Increase Consciousness?
Changing a passive lifestyle that is coupled with obesity will challenge the individual
There are some phenomenal Yoga masters around the world and especially in India. Some of these Yogis can preform outstanding positions with their body and other astounding feats such as pulling a car by the teeth. The progression of Yoga is to expand individual consciousness and to bind with universal consciousness. One quality that manifests the individual’s low level of consciousness is they brag or live with an inflated ego that draws attention to themselves. Many Gurus, Yogis, and spiritual leaders that place themselves in the public eye are phonies.
The Practice of Yoga in the physical sense can prepare a person for an emotional purge that will increase the level of consciousness and append to overall good health.