Certain Artwork around the world portrays hidden truth that the deluded eye of the majority cannot recognize. The most popular artwork that spans from Europe, The Middle East, and Asia are the two anointed with an object in the middle that represents The Divine Source. This style of artwork also represents the Ark of the Covenant. The Jewish Scribes, Christianity, and all religions caused deception concerning this truth.
The two anointed are the Master of the Light (Jesus) that sits at the right hand of the Source, and, the Master of the Darkness that sits at the left hand of the Source. The Divine Source (God) is Omnipresent, thus an object is portrayed.
The Ark of the Covenant according to the description in the Hebrew Scriptures describes identical context. The two “angels” are facing or “covering” the Mercy seat of the Divine according to the Hebrew Scriptures.
Artwork, Sculptures, and Archaeology ruins are also eye-opening in relation to Numerology. The picture below is the remaining Pillars of the Temple of Baal in Baalbek Lebanon. Only 6, which the number 6 represents the Illuminati Occult Number of 33.
Noticeable artwork are the multiple phallic symbols, The “Tree” that represents earth worship, The Pyramid that represents the Evil Earthly Organization, and many sculptures that represent the lower entities.
The artwork below is of the Vitruvian Man a world renowned drawing with accompanying notes created by Leonardo da Vinci around the year 1492 as recorded in one of his journals. It is accompanied by notes based on the work of the famed architect, Vitruvius. The drawing, which is in pen and ink on paper, depicts a male figure in two superimposed positions with his arms and legs apart and simultaneously inscribed in a circle and square. The drawing and text are sometimes called the Canon of Proportions or, less often, Proportions of Man.
Yet, when deciphering the truth of the Garden of Eden and the beginning of the homo-sapian, there should be no doubt that this image pertains to a much deeper meaning.